Crypto Hardware Wallet Survey 2025 (Real User Insights)

In 2025, we conducted a survey on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Binance Feed to understand the preferences and expectations of 361 hardware wallet users. The survey aimed to explore the main reasons for using hardware wallets and the areas of improvement desired by the users.

The results showed that 61.5% of the users preferred hardware wallets for the security of their cryptocurrencies. The second most common reason was long-term investment storage, which was the choice of 24.9% of the users.

Only a few users, 7.2%, used hardware wallets for daily transactions. The least frequent reason was following a friend or expert’s recommendation, which was the answer of 6.4% of the users.

61.5% or 222 Users

Security of cryptocurrencies


Long-term investment storage

$ Willing to Spend

Q4: How much do you Spend on a Crypto Cold Wallet?

According to a survey of 361 users, the majority of them (47.4%) are willing to spend between $50 and $100 on a hardware wallet, followed by 29.9% who are willing to spend between $100 and $150.

Only 6.1% of the users are willing to spend under $50, while 16.6% are willing to spend over $150 on a hardware wallet.


Cold Storage

Q6: Total value stored on a hardware Wallet


Around $10,000


Between $10,000-$50,000

Amit Chahar

Amit Chahar

Hey! I am Amit Chahar, a Crypto and blockchain content creator at Wallet Reviewer. With 3+ years of experience as a SEO content writer, I love talking about blockchain technology, digital assets, DeFi, Smart Contracts, DApps, Digital Wallets, Metaverse, and NFTs.

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